Screen Festival – Paraty em Foco Intervention

The SCREEN Festival brought to Paraty em Foco Festival two video interventions.

2 – video projection with movement interaction was displayed on a building situated in a historical square of the city during the Paraty Festival. The technical development was done by Emotique using the festival’s image collection.

1 – The site-specific video installation by Cia de Fotos occupied the historic Capelinha building, with the SCREEN crew working alongside the artist group and Emotique technicians to create a translation of their work into a video projection installation. The narrative of the installation is inspired by the iPhone app book released by the group during the festival by the Cosac Naify Publisher..

The artist group, Cia de Fotos, explained their choice of shooting photography in their research titled “Now: between landscape and duration”. They found that thinking about this language leads to undefined spaces, mixtures of media, and transitions between different forms of expression.

In a dialogue with the SCREEN Festival, which occupied the Capelinha historic building by invitation of the , a relationship between cinema and photography dimensions is explored. The installation questions the role of narrative in photography, asking what would the photograph be without the kind of film and narrative that is already contained within the image itself, and how the moment captured in a photograph could always become something else.


Cia de Fotos - SCREEN @ Paraty em Foco Cia de Fotos - SCREEN @ Paraty em Foco Cia de Fotos - SCREEN @ Paraty em Foco Cia de Fotos - SCREEN @ Paraty em Foco Cia de Fotos - SCREEN @ Paraty em Foco Cia de Fotos - SCREEN @ Paraty em Foco 1 Cia de Fotos - SCREEN @ Paraty em Foco Cia de Fotos - SCREEN @ Paraty em Foco
Poster Cia de Fotos - SCREEN @ Paraty em Foco