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Caligrafia Maudita – 20 years of Pixação in SP

Caligrafia Maudita – 20 years of Pixação in SP

One of the first exhibition made about the most aggressive São Paulo’s typical graffiti style expression, it has brought up the social dynamics of the groups involved on Pixação and look towards this manifestation also as an indices of social abyss.

Art Palácio, upcycling intervention
Cultural Management

Art Palácio, upcycling intervention

The experience to reopen one of the first big cinemas of São Paulo bringing up the issues of the city and audiovisual contemporary transformations. A project that proposes a new path to the use of governmental and private empty buildings.

SCREEN Festival Pre-edition
Cultural Management

SCREEN Festival Pre-edition

In November 2013, SCREEN Festival from Barcelona makes its pre-edition in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, enforcing its nature of networking and interaction with the city that it brings since 2003. Part of the Brasil implementation program.

Elemento Vazado (Leaked Element)

Elemento Vazado (Leaked Element)

Comprising paintings, objects, photographs, wall interventions, projections and workshops, the exhibition brings together five of the most representative Stencil Art names from São Paulo.


Caligrafia Maudita – 20 years of Pixação in SP

Caligrafia Maudita – 20 years of Pixação in SP

One of the first exhibition made about the most aggressive São Paulo’s typical graffiti style expression, it has brought up the social dynamics of the groups involved on Pixação and look towards this manifestation also as an indices of social abyss.

Elemento Vazado (Leaked Element)

Elemento Vazado (Leaked Element)

Ngô Meitire (Water, Valuable Water)

Ngô Meitire (Water, Valuable Water)


Caligrafia Maudita – 20 years of Pixação in SP

Caligrafia Maudita – 20 years of Pixação in SP

Elemento Vazado (Leaked Element)

Ngô Meitire (Water, Valuable Water)

Cultural Management

Art Palácio, upcycling intervention

Art Palácio, upcycling intervention

SCREEN Festival Pre-edition


Caligrafia Maudita – 20 years of Pixação in SP

Caligrafia Maudita – 20 years of Pixação in SP

Elemento Vazado (Leaked Element)

Ngô Meitire (Water, Valuable Water)

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PIXO – The movie


PIXO – The movie

It is dangerous. It is illegal. Is spreading … “Pixo” is a documentary that follows the hectic routine of these young anarchists in São Paulo, Brazil’s largest city, and reveals both sides of the movement. Is it art? Vandalism? Or just an uncontrollable urge to be noticed?

Caligrafia Maudita – 20 years of Pixação in SP


Caligrafia Maudita – 20 years of Pixação in SP

One of the first exhibition made about the most aggressive São Paulo’s typical graffiti style expression, it has brought up the social dynamics of the groups involved on Pixação and look towards this manifestation also as an indices of social abyss.

Staging Silence 2


Staging Silence 2

Based around abstract, archetypal settings that lingered in the memory of the artist as the common denominator of the many similar public places he has experienced.

Art Palácio, upcycling intervention

Cultural Management

Art Palácio, upcycling intervention

The experience to reopen one of the first big cinemas of São Paulo bringing up the issues of the city and audiovisual contemporary transformations. A project that proposes a new path to the use of governmental and private empty buildings.

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